Saturday, 18 February 2012

Sunday Sun

Rupert Murdoch is planning to launch a Sunday Sun 'very soon.' I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to that about as much as an anthrax salad with Ebola dressing and cholera croutons. It's hard to know what is more depressing, the fact that Murdoch is amoral or that the British political class has kowtowed to him for thirty years, like a mafia captains paying homage to the capo di capos. One after another they knelt and kissed the ring, by which I don't mean the one on his finger (do you see what I did there).

Naively I thought that the bribing of police, phone hacking and lying to the parliamentary select committee by News International staff might possibly, just possibly, mean that Rupert Murdoch would not be allowed to open another newspaper.  Apparently he wants to build on the Sun's proud heritage, I'm guessing he doesn't mean Page 3, the kiss and tells or gypsy-baiting, perhaps the football coverage, who knows? Charlie Brooker has done the definitive summary of the Sun's 'heritage', check out this excellent remix of his 10 O'Clock Show live rant:

Charlie Brooker's genius rant

But rather than whinge about it, let's not allow the old vampire to feed on the body politic once more. Even though Labour and Conservative politicians alike feared the wrath of The Sun or the NOTW, there is no evidence that endorsement by the Murdoch press won elections, even with that very special tribe of swing voters. Yes, I know Labour needs an excuse for its dismal performance in the 80s, but try reading its 1983 manifesto, it really is the 'longest suicide note in history.' It was not the Sun wot won it.

Surely the warlock's spell is broken now and even Cameron can see he doesn't need his support. So that begs the question, how earth is he being allowed to open another newspaper?

Time to get some self-respect. 

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